The Valley of Friendliness
The town took its name from a large projecting rock on a bluff of the Iowa River, which at a distance presented the appearance of steamboats lying at anchor. On one of these was what resembled a wheel-house, and on this grew a large pine tree looking somewhat like a smokestack which in 1885 was struck by lightning and the shock cut off the “wheel house” and ruined the resemblance to a steamboat.
Floods later completely washed away the piece of rock
known as the wheel-house.
While it might have had to draw largely on fancy and imagination to ever have seen a steamboat on the bank
of the river at that point, it was enough to forever
give a pretty name to the town site.
Today it is known as "The Valley Of Friendliness".
Know that you will receive a warm welcome when you visit.
The city of Steamboat Rock was platted in 1855 and named from a large rock on the river bluff which is said to resemble a queue of steamboats from a distance.
2nd Monday of each Month
Please leave a message at 641-868-2240 or email
If you would like to dump tree branches, please get ahold of Dave Hagberg at
October 9th
CLOSE @12:30pm
October 11th
CLOSE @11:00am
October 14th - 21st
Regular Office Hours
October 23rd
CLOSE @1:00pm
October 25th – Nov 1st CLOSED
Thanks ~ Valeria Kjormoe, City Clerk